Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsoring PS11's Spring Gala is an outstanding opportunity to build brand awareness across our school community by showing your support for children, staff and the neighborhood! Packages include placement opportunities across both Event + Digital spaces (e.g. website listing for 12mo), for repeat visibility for our generous sponsors!
The net proceeds of sponsorship go toward supporting PS11 students and staff through our PTA annual budget.
Past sponsors have included leading Real Estate groups, banks, tech companies, local small businesses and summer camps (NYC & Tri-state area)
We have a dedicated Gala & Sponsorship team to work with you to professionally manage your contribution. Contact us at sponsorships@ps11chesleapta.org!
Sponsorship Packages

Reach out to sponsorships@ps11chelseapta.org with interest! Materials & details available.
Celebrating our School
PS11 Sarah J. Garnett is a public school in Manhattan, NYC with ~750 students. Learn more about us at https://ps11chelsea.org. Friends and Family of PS 11 (our “PTA”) is a tax-exempt 501(c) nonprofit organization that supports PS11 (EIN: 264153754, ProPublica profile).
Our Spring Gala is an annual event in mid-May every year, celebrating our amazing students together with their incredible team of teachers, staff, afterschool, and parents/guardians. The Spring Gala this year will be held on Wednesday May 15, 2024 at the Rubin Museum of Art. We have historically had over 200 guests and raised >$100,000 in proceeds.